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“Ad una Stella” at the Gstaad New Year Music Festival

On December 30, 2023, Sonya Yoncheva will star at the Gstaad New Year Music Festival presenting one of her most performed and highly praised recital formats, “Ad una Stella” accompanied by pianist Malcolm Martineau.

Wherever Sonya has performed “Ad una stella”, from the Metropolitan Opera New York, to Paris, Perelada, Berlin, Toulouse, and Madrid, to mention just a few venues, she has invariably received rave reviews and thrilled audiences.

This time in Gstaad, along with the usual Italian art songs by Puccini, Tosti, and Verdi that form the core of the program, she will sing music by Dowland, Gibbons, Monteverdi, Handel, Purcell, and Rameau.

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