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Interviews in Italy (La Repubblica, Amadeus, RAI Radio3)

Sonya Yoncheva had a series of important interviews in Italy on the occasion of her performances as Maddalena in “Andrea Chénier” at the Teatro alla Scala, her latest album “The Courtesan” and the upcoming book “Fifteen Mirrors”.

Sonya spoke with Gregorio Moppi of the Italian newspaper La Repubblica. The one page interview was published on the day of Sonya’s role debut as Maddalena in the nation wide edition of the newspaper.
Subscribers may read it online on the following link:

The Italian music magazine Amadeus also published a feature about Sonya that was published in the magazine’s May edition of the “Voci della Lirica” (“Opera Voices”) section:

On the radio, the legendary opera program “La Barcaccia” and Enrico Stinchelli interviewed Sonya and dedicated her two full “super ospite” episodes. You can listen to them on the following links:

La Repubblica feature:

Amadeus feature:

[Photo: Victor Santiago / SY11 Productions]